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Über Travel Buddies Lifestyle

Über Bernie van der Linde

Bernie’s beeindruckender Lebenslauf:

  • Direktor und CEO des Business Management Training College – ein Online Business College in Südafrika
  • Dozentin für Marketing, soziale Medien und Inhaltserstellung 
  • PhD in Management-Studien, UNISA
  • Ex officio Beauftragter für Eidesleistungen, 
  • Master Practitioner bei SABPP 
  • Social Media Account Manager für verschiedene Instagram- und Facebook-Seiten
  • Website-Designer
  • Amateurfotografin, Kurs abgeschlossen bei DPC präsentiert von Danie Bester

Ich lebe auf einer Golfanlage in Johannesburg, Südafrika, zusammen mit meinem Mann Shaun, einem ehemaligen Rennfahrer, Maschinenbauingenieur und Geschäftsinhaber.

Wir haben zwei Söhne, Kelvin, 27 Jahre, und Sheldon, 24 Jahre, professionelle Rennfahrer, die in Deutschland leben. Das erklärt wahrscheinlich meine Leidenschaft für den Motorsport.

Als Direktor des Business Management Training College (BMT College) verfüge ich über einen fundierten akademischen und Marketing-Hintergrund, der meine kreativen Fähigkeiten ergänzt. 

Ich habe einen Doktortitel in Betriebswirtschaftslehre, der es mir ermöglicht, fundierte digitale Marketingstrategien anzuwenden.

Abseits meiner beruflichen Verpflichtungen genieße ich es, zu reisen und unsere Social-Media-Seiten zu pflegen. Camping und Fotografieren gehören zu meinen Hobbys, und Zeit mit Freunden zu verbringen ist mir sehr wichtig.

Mein Lebensmotto lautet schon immer: “Fülle dein Leben mit Abenteuern, die du erzählen kannst, und nicht mit Dingen, die du zeigen kannst.

Über Petra Top

Petras Lebenslauf:

  • Mitwirkung an einem Elektroauto-Projekt für einen bekannten Hersteller in Deutschland
  • Ausgebildete Bankkauffrau
  • Marketing Management Kurs BMT College: „Wirksame Marketing Kampagnen”
  • Social Media Account Managerin für verschiedene Instagram und Facebook Seiten
  • Amateurfotografin, Online-Fotokurs mit Benjamin Jaworskyj, Handy-Fotokurse mit Emil Pakarklis und Clifford Pickett

Ich wohne in Altusried, im Allgäu in Deutschland. Ich bin verheiratet mit Hans, einem angesehenen Motorsport-Teamchef in Deutschland. Ich habe eine Tochter (Silja), 25 Jahre alt, und einen Sohn (Lars), 28 Jahre alt.

Ich bin ein großer Motorsport-Enthusiast und habe in den letzten 30 Jahren in der einen oder anderen Form damit zu tun gehabt.

Neben dem Reisen fahre ich gerne Ski, lerne neue Sprachen, schreibe und übersetze unsere Blogs.

Mein Lebensmotto ist: “Ich reise nicht, um dem Leben zu entkommen, sondern damit das Leben mir nicht entkommt”.

Wir wurden in der September-Ausgabe 2022 und erneut in der August-Ausgabe 2023 (digitales Magazin) von Women & Home, Südafrika, vorgestellt. Im Reiseteil auf den Seiten 118 bis 121 können Sie lesen: “Wie beste Freunde die Welt und das Internet erobern”. 

Wir freuen uns über den schönen Artikel “Travel influencers at 50-something”.

Travelbuddies at Women&Home Magazine
Travelbuddies at Women&Home Magazine
Travelbuddies at Women&Home Magazine
Travelbuddies at Women&Home Magazine
Travelbuddies at Women&Home Magazine

Unser Ziel ist es, Ihre Instagram-Seite zu transformieren und Ihre Präsenz in den sozialen Medien zu optimieren. Durch unsere spannenden und einzigartigen Inhalte wecken wir das Interesse für Ihr Hotel. Wir haben eine engagierte Gemeinschaft von loyalen Instagram-Followern aufgebaut, die sich gerne mit unseren Inhalten beschäftigen

Wir tragen maßgeblich zum Wachstum Ihrer Instagram-Seite bei, indem wir Ihr Hotel auf unserer stetig wachsenden Instagram-Plattform mit beeindruckender Reichweite und hoher Interaktionsrate präsentieren.

Unsere erstellten Inhalte zeichnen sich durch Vertrauenswürdigkeit und Authentizität aus.

Unsere Instagram Statistik

Regular “clean-ups” on our Instagram page (to remove inactive followers) ensure that we have an engaged and thriving audience.

Our page reaches on average 40 100 accounts monthly of which 36 900 are non-followers.

Travel Buddies Lifestyle June 2023 Instagram profile insights
Overview of our June 2023 Travel Buddies Lifestyle Instragram profile
Overview of our June 2023 Travel Buddies Lifestyle Instragram profile

Instagram reach from posts

Below is an excerpt from our Instagram page’s highest post reach (period (6 August to 6 February 2023) 

We achieved the highest post reach with our Monaco photo which had 17 400 views and the lowest post reach of 1408 (Bernie arriving in Santorini). 

Our top nine Instagram posts with the highest reach
Our top nine Instagram posts with the highest reach
Our top Instagram posts' reach from 10 to 18
Our top Instagram posts' reach from 10 to 18
Travel Buddies Lifestyle's top Instagram reach from 19 to 27
Travel Buddies Lifestyle's top Instagram reach from 19 to 27

Instagram interactions from posts

Our top posts with the highest interactions for the last six months (period (6 August to 6 February 2023). Interactions include likes, comments and saves. 

Our post with the highest interaction is the one where we announced that we have been featured in the September 2022 issue of Woman & Home magazine. This photo received 1806 interactions. It had 486 comments and 1296 likes. Interestingly this post also had 163 profile visits.

Post Interactions (6 August to 6 February 2023)


Our top post for the period received 468 comments (the feature article in Woman & Home).  We pride ourselves in having a very engaged audience who enjoy commenting on our posts and responding to our questions asked in the post taglines.

Comments on posts for the period
Bernie van der Linde content creator for Travel Buddies Lifestyle
Bernie at La Pirogue, Mauritius
Statistics of Instagram photo shared about Bernie's holiday at La Pirogue
Statistics of Instagram photo shared about Bernie's holiday at La Pirogue

We are experts in selecting the right hashtags (#) for posts.

This photo posted of Bernie at La Pirogue, on the 3rd of February,  not only had an excellent reach but also a phenomenal hashtag count of 4795.

General key Statistics* of our Instagram Page

  • We have 14.1k followers on our page
  • We received more than 110k total likes to date
  • We post almost daily to ensure consistency. We shared 788 posts (7 June 2023)
  • Our engagement rate fluctuates, depending on the time of the year, but remains between 6.5 and 9%
  • We receive on average between 500 and 600 likes per post.
  • The post with the most likes was taken in Monaco and posted on the 15th of August 2022. It received 1324 likes.
  • We receive on average 123 comments per post.
  • We maintain an average of between 4500 and 5500 reach per post.
  • We receive on average between 400 and 600 views per story. The highest story view last year was 748. “Have you used your passport lately”.

*All stats can be verified on socialblades.com and our Instagram page.

Even though we have the most significant footprint in Africa and Europe (because we represent these two continents), we also have a substantial following in other countries, such as the United States, the United Kingdom, and Switzerland.



  • South Africa
  • Germany
  • The United States
  • Switzerland
  • Ireland
  • United Kingdom
  • Mauritius
  • Netherland
  • Thailand
  • France

We are keen to collaborate with you in the following ways:

  • You may wish to participate in a product test. This is a good idea for new travel-related items you wish to promote on our social pages and website.
  • You may wish to collaborate in a giveaway for a weekend stay at your hotel (specified terms and conditions to be agreed upon). 
  • You may wish to collaborate with us by providing a hosted stay. 
  • We are willing to be brand ambassadors for your travel-related products or services.
  • We are excited to compile a hotel review for you. We provide direct links to your website.
  • All our posts and stories include well-sourced hashtags to increase your reach and exposure.

Please send inquiries to bernie@travelbuddieslifestyle.com or petra@travelbuddieslifestyle.com  to receive our media kit with rates.

Analytics of our website

We launched our website in April 2022. 

Our aim is to provide additional travel-related content for our audience. We encourage people to subscribe to our blog to ensure they receive notifications when new articles are released. All articles are published in English and German.

Considering our website is not even a year old, we are delighted to have close to 250 subscribers to our blog. 

What is even more amazing is that we currently (July 2023) have, on average, between 1500 and 2250 visitors monthly. 

This is significantly increasing month after month. For example, in January 2023, we had 1686 views and 1062 visitors, in comparison with June 2023 we had 3282 views and 2268 visitors. 

Our most popular pages are our hotel reviews, followed by the ‘about us’, and collaborations page. 

The most popular articles on our website are: “Is it worth visiting South Africa?” followed by “How to do a self-drive from Johannesburg to Kruger” and “What to know before planning a trip to the Kruger National Park”.

Why you should advertise on our website?

We promote your hotel on our website through well-composed texts and visual content to share our experiences during our stay.

Our website is visually appealing and well-designed to attract new audiences and give our subscribers regular travel-related content. 

featured blog on our website promotes your hotel through explicit links to your website.

A blurb (a short description of a product or service for promotion) on our landing page is an excellent way to introduce unique products or services to our audiences for a specified period.

We also have advertising space available on our blogs. See the example below (Vuna coffee).

Travel Buddies Lifestyle analytics December 2023 Daily Stats
Travel Buddies Lifestyle analytics December 2023 Daily Stats
Travel Buddies Lifestyle analytics in December Monthly Stats for the year 2023
Travel Buddies Lifestyle analytics December 2023 Monthly Stats for the year 2023
An example of our blog article adverts
An example of our blog article adverts
Travelbuddies in Graechen
Travelbuddies in Graechen, Switzerland
Travelbuddies in Altusried , Germany
Travelbuddies in Altusried , Germany
TRavelbuddies in Moustiers-Sainte-Marie
Travelbuddies in Moustiers-Sainte-Marie
Travelbuddieslifestyle in Lake Como
Travelbuddieslifestyle in Lake Como
Travelbuddies in the Lavender Fields France
Travelbuddies in the Lavender Fields France
Travel buddies in Antibes
Travel buddies in Antibes
Travelbuddies in Monaco
Travelbuddies in front of the casino at Monte Carlo
Travelbuddies lifestyle at Gasenried
Travelbuddies lifestyle at Gasenried